
AI-Powered Realtor Assistant

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PropertyChat Assistant
I need a 3-bedroom house in Austin with a yard for under $600k, close to good schools.
I found 8 matches in Austin. The best option is a $575k 3-bed in Anderson Mill, with excellent schools nearby and a fenced backyard.
What's the neighborhood like?
Anderson Mill is family-friendly with 32% lower crime than Austin average. There are 2 parks within walking distance, and the area has seen 8% appreciation in the last year.

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Property Search
Find me a 4-bedroom house in Portland with a view under $850,000
What are the safest neighborhoods in Chicago with good public transportation?
Show me houses in districts with top-rated elementary schools in San Diego
Which areas in Denver have shown the best property value growth in the last 5 years?
Realtor Match
Find me a realtor who specializes in first-time home buyers in Nashville
Show me homes within 15 minutes of hiking trails and organic grocery stores